Press Releases

Isle of Man Post Office Issues Information in Regards to UK Postal Strike

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) representing the majority of postal workers in the UK have announced strike action in the UK

Post Office Welcomes New Chairman

Isle of Man Post Office wishes to welcome Stu Peters MHK as its new Chairman of the Board.

Isle of Man Post Office Not Involved in Potential UK Postal Strike

Isle of Man Post Office would like to assure our valued customers that the current postal workers dispute in the UK, does not involve Isle of Man Post Office and its hardworking workforce.

Dog Awareness Week 2022

Dog Awareness Week 2022

Isle of Man Post Office Issues Annual Reminder to Protect Our Posties

Post Office Announce its Tynwald Day Operations 2022

Isle of Man Post Office would like to announce various operational changes for Tynwald Day 5th July 2022.

Post Office Chair Steps Down

On the appointment of Chris Thomas MHK as Minister for the Department of Infrastructure, Isle of Man Post Office wishes to take the opportunity to say thank you and good luck as he steps down as Chair of the business.

Isle of Man Post Office Celebrates Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and Announces Operational Changes during TT 2022

Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) is gearing up to mark Her Majesty The Queen, Lord of Mann’s Platinum Jubilee. As well as a range of commemorative stamp collectibles, which are already proving hugely popular, IOMPO has a number of other activities planned to celebrate this significant milestone with colleagues, customers and suppliers.


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