Isle of Man Post Office Celebrates 50th Anniversary

28th June 2023

Wednesday 5th July marks 50 years of postal independence for Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO), and the start of activities and events to celebrate this milestone.

IOMPO has a programme of planned activities and initiatives for both its people and the wider community to enjoy which have been organised by its 50th anniversary committee, made up of colleagues from different teams across the business. These include:

  • Working with Manx Wildlife Trust to plant over 50 trees as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative
  • Working with Manx National Heritage on an exhibition at the Manx Museum’s Cabinet of Curiosity, which will open on 14th July and run until the 25th September. Many of the artefacts, photos and memorabilia are being provided by IOMPO employees past and present.
  • An opportunity for employees past and present to celebrate the anniversary will take place in July.
  • A reception to thank our key customers and suppliers for their custom is being planned for September.
  • Island-wide treasure hunt to take place on Saturday 2nd September with the chance to win a prize.
  •  Paint a post box competition for children which will be launched in the autumn with the winner having their design featured on a post box in the community.
  • IOMPO have created a logo variation for use within their anniversary year 5th July 2023 – 4th July 2024. The logo will be used on its dedicated IOMPO 50th Anniversary website page, on social channels, marketing materials and will also be displayed at events planned throughout the year.
  • A set of seven commemorative stamps to be issued on 5th July 2023. Each of the first six stamps features a collage of recognisable issued stamps that are well-known and loved by locals and collectors worldwide, and represents the history of stamps from the Isle of Man, whilst the seventh stamp is a new design representing the Europa Stamp 2023.


Simon Kneen, Chief Executive Officer IOMPO said, “For 50 years IOMPO has been a key part of the Island’s infrastructure and a trusted partner for our community. The postal industry plays an essential role in our society and the economy, linking the Island to the rest of the world.  Whilst the landscape of the postal industry and our customer needs have drastically changed over time due to advancements in technology and habits, the loyal and dedicated team at IOMPO has worked incredibly hard to retain our self-funded status and ensure the IOMPO remains fit for purpose as a modern logistics business. I am pleased we have a programme of activities to celebrate our milestone anniversary with the community we are proud to serve. Our people and our customers have supported us since our inception 50 years ago, and we are very grateful for the part they have played in our business’ journey to date.”

He added: “As we look forward, it is undeniable that the postal industry will continue to evolve at a rapid pace.   We remain committed to delivering our strategy to transform the business for future financial and environmental sustainability, making strides in our bid to become a greener organisation and continuing to meet the changing needs of our valued customers.

For more information about the 50th anniversary activities visit

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