The Isle of Man Post Office (Oik Postagh Ellan Vannin) is pleased to encourage popular use of the Manx language by presenting this joyful set of six stamps (issue date 4th July 2019) which is a collaboration between Culture Vannin and Manx artist Mary Cousins. The issue coincides with the 120th anniversary of the Manx Language Society and the International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019, of which Culture Vannin is a partner organisation.

Beautifully illustrated by Manx artist Mary Cousins, these stamps perfectly demonstrate the success story of Manx Gaelic. Driven by the Manx Language Society a language, that was nearly lost, has been painstakingly revived. As a result of well organised community based initiatives over the last century and a half, coupled with targeted Isle of Man Government support, the language has seen an upsurge of interest in recent years and is now available for all ages to enjoy, within nurseries, schools, adult classes and the wider community.

There are now well over a thousand children learning Manx across all schools and with more adults learning Manx too, its impact on worldwide efforts to protect and promote endangered languages is huge. The Isle of Man is now looked to by many as an example of best practice.

The artist, Mary Cousins, says: "It has been a real pleasure to work with Culture Vannin and the Isle of Man Post Office on this issue and a privilege to see my characters on stamps. It's exciting to think of them travelling around the world through the mail and I hope they spread a little Manx cheer on the way."
The collection consists of a set of six stamps, a First Day Cover and a Presentation Pack:
Maxine Cannon, General Manager, Isle of Man Stamps and Coins said: "We are incredibly proud of our Manx heritage, including our wonderful language Manx Gaelic. When we embarked on this project raising awareness for our language was the key objective and we are grateful to have Culture Vannin, Jamys O'Meara and the talented Mary Cousins by our side to support our efforts."

"Tinvaal Aboo": To encourage even more people to learn and speak Manx, IOMPO will be using a special designed postmark "Tinvaal Aboo", meaning "Hurray For Tynwald" during Tynwald week. On Tynwald Day IOMPO and Culture Vannin will be giving away stickers along with a themed Manx language pocket guide to 'Greetings in Manx' and postcards featuring the designs of the stamp collection. So come and visit Culture Vannin!

The 'Greetings in Manx' collection is available as Set and Sheet Set, Presentation Pack and First Day Cover. For further information, please see

Illustrations: Mary Cousins
Text: Jamys O'Meara/Culture Vannin
Design: EJC Design
Printer: Lowe Martin
Process: Offset Lithography
Colours: 4
Paper: 110 gms PVA gummed
Perforations: 13 per 2cm
Stamp Size: 40 x 30mm
Format: Sheets of 20
Date of Issue: 4th July 2019


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